TeamAgar participates in endurance races all over the world. They are also accomplished motivational keynote speakers, authors, and know how to take on life one step at a time.
They have been in over 200 races, including 5 marathons, numerous half marathons, 25Ks, 10Ks and 5Ks. They have also participated in over 30 triathlons which include everything from Sprint distance to a full Ironman of 140.6 miles. TeamAgar attempted five full Ironman’s including the iconic Ironman World Championship in Kona, Hawaii, which was chronicled by NBC. This past September, 2022 TeamAgar completed their first, full distance Ironman in Maryland where Johnny walked across the finish line.
They have been featured on CBS Mornings, The NBC Today Show, Inside Edition, People, USA Today, NBC Nightly News, Huffington Post, and ESPN’s Sportscenter among many others. Their tenacity and indelible spirit have caught the attention of Olympic swimming great Michael Phelps and the sports apparel company Under Armour—so much so that UA placed them in two commercials: One with Phelps and the other with Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. They are also just a dad and son working together as a team. Johnny, despite being diagnosed with cerebral palsy, has willed himself to become the athlete he has always dreamed of being. And his dad has been the arms, legs, and power to help Johnny fulfill that dream.

“Strong as iron, tempered by love.”
~ CBS Mornings

Known for their determination and ability to motivate, TeamAgar helps audiences to retain, engage and inspire their team members from executives to clients and everyone in between. They help organizations look beyond the challenges they face and inspire them to push past the impossible, while never letting failure get in the way of success.
TeamAgar has transformed how organizations, teams, classrooms, and companies view challenges and provides them with the tools they need to view those hurdles not as roadblocks but as obstacles that can make them stronger with the right perspective. Their positive attitude and examples of determination make them well-versed in how to implement strategies which improve teamwork and mental fortitude, and they show with the right approach you can accomplish much more than you ever thought possible. TeamAgar has traveled around the world speaking to diverse groups everywhere and challenging people to dream, excel, and believe in themselves and in their teams. Johnny’s cerebral palsy gave them three gifts:
- Obstacles are learning opportunities
- Failure is part of the process
- Take small steps
It seems odd that those would be considered gifts, yet those 3 lessons have led to TeamAgar’s purpose: to be able to encourage others so that more people can keep moving forward against whatever challenges they are facing.
Their rallying cry? “Sometimes you win, sometimes you learn.”
Whenever TeamAgar races, they take each foot, yard, mile, one step at a time. When they start, they can’t see the finish line; it is too far away so they don’t focus on that. Instead, they concentrate on each step they take knowing it is going to lead them to their goal eventually. When doubt starts creeping in, they concentrate on just that one next step.
Johnny walking a mile seemed impossible, until he was able to do it. They want to help you walk your “impossible mile”. What is it that you are struggling with or need encouragement for? Is there a goal you are trying to reach? Does your company need to be motivated? Do the kids at your school need a boost of confidence?
Let TeamAgar help you reach that goal.

4 Reasons to Book TeamAgar
- Personable: TeamAgar is pleasant to be around, easy to talk to, and easy to work with. From the business-side, TeamAgar communicates well with the teams planning and implementing of their visit. From the audience-side, TeamAgar has had the opportunity to speak to people from all walks of life and enjoys being able to share ideas, stories, and laughter. Their great communication skills help set people at ease which helps their message resonate with more people.
- Relatable: No matter where you are in your walk of life, TeamAgar resonates with all people, industries, and professions. They know the importance of connecting with the audience so their message can be that much more impactful.
- Approachable: Ask them anything. They are an open-book and love to take questions whether it’s in a setting such as a Q & A, a meet & greet, or one-on-one. The way they have learned to laugh at themselves through their storytelling, puts people at ease right away, and helps makes them more approachable. They are true believers in learning by asking.
- Adaptable: Johnny’s cerebral palsy has taught TeamAgar how to adapt to life. So, when you book them, be assured they can adapt to whatever message or situation you feel would best work with your organization. In fact, they pride themselves in the ability to adapt their message to fit the message needed for the audience.
Contact Team Agar
Get in touch with our team to learn more about sponsoring Team Agar on the Road to Kona, speaking engagements, or to become a part of our community!