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Jeff and Johnny Agar, aka TeamAgar, have been invited back to Kona to participate in the Ironman World Championship! It’s never an easy road, and our first step begins with pulling together our supporters. You can help us reach our goal of $90,000 to cover the cost of getting our team and all of our equipment to Kona, Hawaii to finally finish the race we started seven years ago. This will cover flights to Kona and lodging for 12 people (our team and coaches), rental vehicles, race equipment, transportation, and coaching and training fees. Your support will fuel their training, and show Jeff and Johnny they are backed by a supportive community for every stroke, pedal, and step taken toward this incredible goal that has only been achieved one other time by a father- son team in Ironman’s nearly 50 year history.

Giving runs in the family.
As Jeff and Johnny continue their training for a race that is called “the most brutal one-day endurance event on the planet,” your support will be their fuel. Knowing they are embraced by a community that is behind them during every swim stroke, pedal, and step taken is a gift like no other.

Completing the notoriously challenging triathlon is a triumph for any athlete. For Team Agar, it’s also a testament to both a father’s love and a son’s grit and unwavering belief in himself….“When he (Johnny) first … had the idea to walk in a race, he’d never walked more than 23 steps,” Jeff notes. “He said he wanted to walk a mile — there’s like five or 6,000 steps in a mile. He could only walk 23. … so he kept working and working on it and getting better and better. But it has been a long, steady, slow process with a lot of failure along the way. But it all fits in with what he is trying to accomplish: You set a goal, and then things start working towards trying to achieve that goal.” –YAHOO! Sports

A bond stronger than iron.
When Johnny was born with cerebral palsy, Jeff and Becki decided to raise him as if he had no disability. From day one, there have been no limitations. They have loved him no matter what he was able to do. Johnny loves all sports, and Jeff started pushing him in a jogger while running as a way for them to be involved in a sport together.
Johnny loved it, and they began running 5K races every weekend. Those races led to half marathons, full marathons, and triathlons because Jeff saw how much Johnny loved being among athletes. At one race, Johnny decided he wanted to walk across the finish line, even though he had only walked 23 steps in his life. Jeff and Becki encouraged him and helped him train for his goal of walking a mile. He was the last to finish, but was surrounded by a hundred people who came back to cheer him on.
After being featured on ESPN, TeamAgar was invited to the Ironman World Championship in Kona, Hawaii in 2016. That day in the winds and heat of Kona, Johnny and Jeff were unable to reach that final stretch of the race.
Their day might have been over, but their journey had just begun. For the next 7 years each day would be punctuated by the call of Kona and the desire to finally make it to the end of that coveted course. Before they could get back to the Kona start line Jeff and Johnny had to prove that they could succeed at one of the hardest one day events. In September of 2022, Team Agar made it to the red carpet of their first Ironman in Maryland. It was a day to remember and the finish line celebration for all.
It’s not often we get second chances, but team Agar got just that when they were invited back to Kona in 2024 to finish what they started almost a decade ago.
The path to Kona 2024 won’t be easy, but backed by the TriDot Training Platform, an army of incredible sponsors, and the support of millions, Johnny and Jeff will arrive at Kona prepared and ready to give it their all.

Join us for the long run.
“Beyond financial contributions, TeamAgar humbly requests your continued prayers, love, and support. Please share this campaign to spread awareness about the importance of love, dedication, and inclusion. By fostering a supportive community, we can inspire others to chase down their dreams.
As Seen On

Contact Team Agar
Get in touch with our team to learn more about sponsoring Team Agar on the Road to Kona, speaking engagements, or to become a part of our community!